Crop: Cabbage
Type: O S Cross
Variety:(PS CB 1101)F1

Plant: strong plant with very good field holding capacity , suitable for year round growth specially summer time with its tolerance to hot conditions.
Head: Head is flat ,wide and heavy up to 7 kg with blue green leaves, excellent taste, suitable for shipping.
Resistances: Fusarium yellows , black rot
Characteristics &positioning: Non bolting variety, with good tolerance to dry and hot weather. Suitable for all year

Earliness or days to maturity Medium, 105 days from sowing
Season All year.
Structure Open field
Type OS cross
Vigor strong plant
Leaf cover Very good
Leaf Color Deep Blue green
Shape Flat Head
weight 7 kg
characteristics High uniformity ,heat tolerance
,good field holding capacity
Resistance (Tolerance) Fusarium yellows , black rot


Crop: Cabbage
Type: Red
Variety: PS CB 1102 F1

Plant: Widely adaptable for the all year round production .Very good field holding capacity . Non bolting variety, with good tolerance to dry and hot weather.
Head: Globe shape around 1.2 kg with dark red colour ,High head uniformity in size and colour .
Resistances: Black rot
Characteristics &positioning: Very good storage and remarkable tolerances to hot and cold temperatures. Suitable for fresh market &Processing.

Earliness or days to maturity Medium, 95 days from sowing
Season All year.
Structure Open field
Type OS cross
Vigor Vigorous plant

Dark red  
Shape Globe
weight Around 1.2 kg
characteristics High uniformity ,strong against cracking ,good field holding capacity
(Tolerance )
Black rot